Rai 3 (Italian third national public channel) visited Rumori Calcio training ground at the end of September 2017 with the camera eye of tv news program ‘EstOvest’. Video in Italian.
Eurosport.it – Rumori Calcio, la squadra di ”Italians” che si esalta in Coppa d’Estonia (ITA)
Rumori Calcio, the ‘Italian’ team making the exploit in the 2016 Estonian Cup by reaching the eight of finals for the first time.
Giornale di Vicenza – Dai dilettanti in Italia alla coppa in Estonia. ”Un sogno da mediano” (ITA)
From Italian amateurs to the Estonian Cup, a midfielder´s dream – local paper in Veneto region covers our Italian Alessio Vitella midfielder’s life and football in Estonia. The same paper features also a short piece about Rumori Calcio here.
Our successful crowdfuding campaign in Winter 2016 was covered on popular Italian sports and football daily ‘La Gazzetta Dello Sport’ in its paper version (see picture below)
LaStampa.it – Il sogno del portiere-chef Zanin ai sedicesimi della Coppa d’Estonia (ITA)
Filippo Zanin, the chef-goalkeeper with a dream at the round of 16 of the Estonian Cup
Interview to our goalkeeper Filippo also in the paper version (picture below)
‘La Repubblica TV’ video about Rumori Calcio (ITA with ENG subtitles) made by Lorenzo Scaraggi in Summer 2016 during his European trip with a van (Vostok100k).
Fantagazzetta.it – Partite a caso da seguire in diretta (ITA)
In Summer 2016, Popular football and fantasy football website suggests reader to follow Rumori Calcio Estonian Cup game against Kernu Kadakas in the Estonian Cup round of 16.
A lenghty article appeared on Southern Italy daily ‘La Gazzetta Del Mezzogiorno’ (picture below) in the football news section
StartUpItalia.it – La squadra di calcio che si finanzia col crowdfunding (ITA)
The football club getting finances via crowdfunding
Another look at our Winter 2016 crowdfunding campaign.
IoGiocoPulito.IlFattoQuotidiano.it – Da Bari a Tallinn per un football globalizzato (ITA)
From Bari to Tallinn in the name of globalized football
A front page article on popular Central Italy daily ‘Il Centro’ (picture below)
GliStatiGenerali.com – La favola del Rumori Calcio squadra italiana nel campionato estone (ITA)
Rumori Calcio fairy tale, an ‘Italian’ club in the Estonian football system
MaiDireCalcio.com – Rumori Calcio club ‘italiano’ alla conquista dell’Estonia (con la raccolta fondi on-line) (ITA)
Rumori Calcio, the ‘Italian’ club taking on Estonian ones (with the help of online crowdfunding)